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Once a Cat…
Seeds of Doubt
- Strip n°421
This week, we're touching ourselves !
We came back thoroughly exhausted from the Metz’Torii festival in Metz yesterday night, where many of you came to see us ! You set the stage for fun meetings, kind gifts, fierce fights on the super nintendo and sparks in our eyes.
I mustered my last remaining strength to draw this little comic for you about… I don’t know if you can call this an OCD… at least an odd habit that really annoys me every time I have to prepare stuff to go somewhere… But I imagine I’m not the only one !
Many kisses boys and girls, and now I dive headfirst into the couch, and I shan’t get out until tomorrow !
We came back thoroughly exhausted from the Metz’Torii festival in Metz yesterday night, where many of you came to see us ! You set the stage for fun meetings, kind gifts, fierce fights on the super nintendo and sparks in our eyes.
I mustered my last remaining strength to draw this little comic for you about… I don’t know if you can call this an OCD… at least an odd habit that really annoys me every time I have to prepare stuff to go somewhere… But I imagine I’m not the only one !
Many kisses boys and girls, and now I dive headfirst into the couch, and I shan’t get out until tomorrow !

Commentaires :
EbonySable Le à , a écrit :
You are definitely not the only one, I do this all the time! Several times a day, usually.
Kamino Neko Le à , a écrit :
That last panel is unaccountably hilarious to me.
(And, yeah, I do this all the time…)
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Once a Cat…
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