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Maison Kenavo
- Strip n°487
Hello sweeties!
(I really shouldn't be calling you that...)
This week, I'm really feeling the effects of finishing off the illustrated signatures for the Super Collector editions of the book... But let's not lose focus, so here is a crisp little strip. During the next few days, we'll be palletizing all the Maliki Blogs and swags. The parcel packing and shipping company has scheduled the pick up for Friday (fingers crossed). The wait is almost over!
Once everything is done, we'll take a big break! On a whim, we've decided to go to Japan from November 6th to 22nd on a well deserved vacation! I'm not sure what will happen with the blog while we're gone, but there might be a couple of guest bloggers even though it's quite last minute. ;)
Take care everyone! Show must go on!
(I really shouldn't be calling you that...)
This week, I'm really feeling the effects of finishing off the illustrated signatures for the Super Collector editions of the book... But let's not lose focus, so here is a crisp little strip. During the next few days, we'll be palletizing all the Maliki Blogs and swags. The parcel packing and shipping company has scheduled the pick up for Friday (fingers crossed). The wait is almost over!
Once everything is done, we'll take a big break! On a whim, we've decided to go to Japan from November 6th to 22nd on a well deserved vacation! I'm not sure what will happen with the blog while we're gone, but there might be a couple of guest bloggers even though it's quite last minute. ;)
Take care everyone! Show must go on!
Commentaires :
AirshipSlice Le à , a écrit :
I just remembered that I first saw your characters in a fanart by an artist I’ve been following since I saw that picture. It pins down the year I first read your comic, 2008! WAY before there were ever translations! I wish EVERY comic was translated, I would seriously go back and read EVERY comic again! I love this comic and feel I’ve been through so much with you, just by reading the comic. Keep it up, every new post always makes me happy. Congratulations on the wedding and please, take a honeymoon or a break from the comic. You two deserve it.
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United Colors
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Maison Kenavo
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