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A change of atmosphere

Fans of a fangirl
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The longest event
Fans of a fangirl
- Strip n°455
We came back from Angouleme with tired eyes, broken voices and many smiles and encounters in our minds. Thanks to all those who came to see us during that marathon. Thanks for all your gifts, drawings, foods, whisky bottles(!) and for your good mood.
Just before leaving the festival, the little anecdote I’m telling today was the icing on the cake, and it puts things into perspective! I hope you’ll be less intimidated now when you come to see me! :)
Many kisses y’all
Just before leaving the festival, the little anecdote I’m telling today was the icing on the cake, and it puts things into perspective! I hope you’ll be less intimidated now when you come to see me! :)
Many kisses y’all

Commentaires :
Alex Denton Le à , a écrit :
Funny, I think I was pretty calm when we met years ago, I even tried to crack a joke I think. Probably the annoyance of the event (too hot, too many people, too many different smells, …) countered my stress 🙂
I don’t remember the details, just that I asked for a drawing of Electro with Mjolnir and you delivered beautifully. I did feel like a dumbass after ward for some reason. Ah well 🙂
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A change of atmosphere
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The longest event
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