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Teasing the stubbornness out
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The noose around your neck
Teasing the stubbornness out
- Strip n°449
It’s only been a couple minutes and I’ve only just got back to my briton lair, filled with cats and chicks, a quiet little life, far away from the bustling city of Toulouse. After 7 long hours of driving, Arcturus is sitting on my lap and I’m searching for inspiration for this news of the week. Everything is calm and relaxing, a stark contrast with those last four days, full of action, new friends and emotions. Maybe tonight, I’ll sleep again like a baby. No horns, no engines, no cleaning truck at 5.00 a.m., no drunken shouts in the street and in the hotel, no sound of shit going through the secret pipes within the room’s walls. And even if I greatly enjoyed meeting you all during this weekend’s TGS, my adorable readers and you too, revered and talented coworkers and friends from all walks of life, a blinding truth is coming out of this crazy weekend : Gosh darn it, I’m really loving living in the countryside!
And now, time to crash on the sofa with the cats!
Many kisses and see you all next week!
And now, time to crash on the sofa with the cats!
Many kisses and see you all next week!

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The noose around your neck
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