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Tiny raptors
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Minor god
Tiny raptors
- Strip n°540
This week, we discuss a scary AF life form that is way underestimated.
We'll see you on the weekend at Japan Tours, if you're there! There will be an exhibition on Maliki and the creation of the animated video, a conference; and Starrysky will play the song during their concert. Bring your Brittanny flags!
Take care
Oh! You, who are here on the site instead of reading the strip on social media, here is a reward for you: a preview of the monthly illustration!
Available until Saturday evening in postcard or ex-libris format on Tipeee
We'll see you on the weekend at Japan Tours, if you're there! There will be an exhibition on Maliki and the creation of the animated video, a conference; and Starrysky will play the song during their concert. Bring your Brittanny flags!
Take care
Oh! You, who are here on the site instead of reading the strip on social media, here is a reward for you: a preview of the monthly illustration!
Available until Saturday evening in postcard or ex-libris format on Tipeee

Commentaires :
memnarch Le à , a écrit :
MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :
“We discussed doing the same to you guys”
A little scary… Oo’
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Minor god
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