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She asks so nicely.

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The signs
Treasures and wonders
- Strip n°556
Hello everyone!
This week, I miraculously had time to create a mini-strip!
This summer has been insane. I can’t even remember how many friends and family have come over. We increased our batch cooking XP - feeding the herd. We made a lot of beds, washed a lot of sheets, had drinks... Tiko turned from baby boy to energetic toddler and we now know all there is to visit in the area. I’ve also done a lot of work on Malimode, and it should be really cool. I still need to finish the monthly illustration (fingers crossed you like it) and I’ll get started on the book signing marathon. Let me tell you this is scaring me quite a lot.
In September, COVID allowing, we’ll go to Toulouse, with all the required social distancing, masks and hand sanitizer!
Got to go, I have to make crêpes for a party of 5! Enjoy!
This week, I miraculously had time to create a mini-strip!
This summer has been insane. I can’t even remember how many friends and family have come over. We increased our batch cooking XP - feeding the herd. We made a lot of beds, washed a lot of sheets, had drinks... Tiko turned from baby boy to energetic toddler and we now know all there is to visit in the area. I’ve also done a lot of work on Malimode, and it should be really cool. I still need to finish the monthly illustration (fingers crossed you like it) and I’ll get started on the book signing marathon. Let me tell you this is scaring me quite a lot.
In September, COVID allowing, we’ll go to Toulouse, with all the required social distancing, masks and hand sanitizer!
Got to go, I have to make crêpes for a party of 5! Enjoy!

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She asks so nicely.
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The signs
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