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The grass is always greener…
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Gok S01E01
The grass is always greener…
- Strip n°382
This week, my brains just doesn't want to compute.
In his defence, he has to deal with the scorching weather here in Bretagne, the recent tragedy that took place in Nice, and with a Breton marriage last weekend. So it's very difficult to compel my neurons to picture anything else that a huge cold pool, at the other end of the planet (or on an other one...), with silence for sole company.
But this morning, I found out that I drew a comicstrip, like a hen laying an egg. Automatisms... that really something !
Have a good week everyone :)
Kisses, Mali.
In his defence, he has to deal with the scorching weather here in Bretagne, the recent tragedy that took place in Nice, and with a Breton marriage last weekend. So it's very difficult to compel my neurons to picture anything else that a huge cold pool, at the other end of the planet (or on an other one...), with silence for sole company.
But this morning, I found out that I drew a comicstrip, like a hen laying an egg. Automatisms... that really something !
Have a good week everyone :)
Kisses, Mali.

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Gok S01E01
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