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Graduate from high school...later!

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The shaving
Pink card
- Strip n°472
Hello everyone!
It is believed that every 4 years, the planets align in a way that create disastrous quantic disturbance and that they are strong enough to rip apart the fabric of reality, in particular, the delicate human mind. We can witness unlikely scenes of mass hysteria and mass amnesia; scenes of jubilation or of unleashed wrath. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do about it. I would encourage you to wait for it to blow over while calmly breathing through your nose and observing the butterflies.
Enjoy your week! Take care!
PS : Don’t worry, I’ve kept a limited and secured internet connection to keep in touch with you! :)
It is believed that every 4 years, the planets align in a way that create disastrous quantic disturbance and that they are strong enough to rip apart the fabric of reality, in particular, the delicate human mind. We can witness unlikely scenes of mass hysteria and mass amnesia; scenes of jubilation or of unleashed wrath. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do about it. I would encourage you to wait for it to blow over while calmly breathing through your nose and observing the butterflies.
Enjoy your week! Take care!
PS : Don’t worry, I’ve kept a limited and secured internet connection to keep in touch with you! :)

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Graduate from high school...later!
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The shaving
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