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Reserve water

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The chef
Back from Japan
- Strip n°490
We’re back!
I hope you didn’t miss us too much thanks to our fantastic guest bloggers, Raf and DoodleRush. I want to give them a massive thank you for holding the fort while we were gone. It’s such a rush to be on the other side of the world and to see strips pop-up by magic :D
We’re taking it easy this week, because we don’t want to waste all the good rest from our holidays!
Have a great week and I’ll be in touch soon with the monthly illustration!
I hope you didn’t miss us too much thanks to our fantastic guest bloggers, Raf and DoodleRush. I want to give them a massive thank you for holding the fort while we were gone. It’s such a rush to be on the other side of the world and to see strips pop-up by magic :D
We’re taking it easy this week, because we don’t want to waste all the good rest from our holidays!
Have a great week and I’ll be in touch soon with the monthly illustration!

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Reserve water
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The chef
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