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Thailand Breakaway - 2

Big Sister
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Crystal Wisdom
Big Sister
- Strip n°409
Hullo my darlings,
This week some news from Lady, still as mysterious for me despite all those years spent with her. One of those days I’ll try and give you some updates on Electro as well, but she’s even more difficult to figure out these days.
Long story short, we unfortunately couldn’t move to our new house last weekend as was originally planned, because a stair was missing, which is quite bothersome when you know that our workshop is upstairs. Next week shall once more be chaotic, with the Japan Impact exhibition in Lausanne that will be the focus of our attentions from Friday to Monday. I hope I’ll have enough time to make the sequel of the Thailand strip (otherwise I’ll have to find a plan B in a hurry, I make no promises !)
Kisses and have a good week boys and girls !
This week some news from Lady, still as mysterious for me despite all those years spent with her. One of those days I’ll try and give you some updates on Electro as well, but she’s even more difficult to figure out these days.
Long story short, we unfortunately couldn’t move to our new house last weekend as was originally planned, because a stair was missing, which is quite bothersome when you know that our workshop is upstairs. Next week shall once more be chaotic, with the Japan Impact exhibition in Lausanne that will be the focus of our attentions from Friday to Monday. I hope I’ll have enough time to make the sequel of the Thailand strip (otherwise I’ll have to find a plan B in a hurry, I make no promises !)
Kisses and have a good week boys and girls !

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Thailand Breakaway - 2
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Crystal Wisdom
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