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I do
- Strip n°483
Hello everyone!
After 2 weeks aways, I had to come back with something huge. Well, there you go, the D-Day! A massive 13 pages strip that includes the monthly Tipeee illustration for September. I could really talk a lot more about that day… But I hope I’ll be able to convey a little bit of the happiness that surrounded that unforgettable day.
Hugs & kisses!
After 2 weeks aways, I had to come back with something huge. Well, there you go, the D-Day! A massive 13 pages strip that includes the monthly Tipeee illustration for September. I could really talk a lot more about that day… But I hope I’ll be able to convey a little bit of the happiness that surrounded that unforgettable day.
Hugs & kisses!

Commentaires :
Dennis el Azul Le à , a écrit :
Congratulations! 😀
Mar’Dur Taren Le à , a écrit :
Congrats and Best Wishes!
Rain Le à , a écrit :
Congratulations! Wish you both all the happiness in the world. Your work has been an inspiration to me for years and years even not speaking the language. I hope that the 2 of you can continue doing what you love together as long as you continue wanting to.
Keep the passion! 😀
Mad Skull Le à , a écrit :
Those last panels… with the blessing and the sprout… does that implies a little hint about a posible baby? hope yes, i wish you the best.
MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :
Congratulation, you two are the bests! =^w^=
Mo Le à , a écrit :
She’s pregnant
Azy arty Le à , a écrit :
Congratulations !!!! Best wishes for the two-… three (?) of you !!!
memnarch Le à , a écrit :
🙂 🙂 🙂
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There once was a shepherdess
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