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Once a tramp...
Pulp friction
- Strip n°437
Hello everyone!
This week you got a vital piece of intel on Becky. Use it wisely :]
I hope going back to school went well for those of you who are students and teachers. I kind of felt bad for a minute, but then I remembered I’d never have to go through that ever again :D
We’re starting the post holidays season with a good few festivals on our schedules: Valence, Madrid, Nantes and Toulouse by the end of the year. We’ll tell you more about all it very soon!
Lots of kisses and have a great week!
This week you got a vital piece of intel on Becky. Use it wisely :]
I hope going back to school went well for those of you who are students and teachers. I kind of felt bad for a minute, but then I remembered I’d never have to go through that ever again :D
We’re starting the post holidays season with a good few festivals on our schedules: Valence, Madrid, Nantes and Toulouse by the end of the year. We’ll tell you more about all it very soon!
Lots of kisses and have a great week!

Commentaires :
bitflipper Le à , a écrit :
It is difficult to decide whether Mali is being cruel, here, or not. ;-p
In seriousness, though, I’ve been on Mali’s side of that complaint, many times; it’s evenmore frustrating when the person who is not pleased with what has been served really isn’t trying to be picky. Such is the sad lot of we who do most of the cooking.
Kamino Neko Le à , a écrit :
That is, at once, petty as hell, and utterly hilarious.
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
Tres bien! You should never insult the cook. Especially a cook who isn’t paid and is serving you out of love!
Mattomatteo Le à , a écrit :
The “Dehydrator 2000” is from “The Fifth Element”?
Becky Le à , a écrit :
I don’t think so
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Sensory Combo
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Once a tramp...
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