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Super Pavlo Bros

Starfish part. 1
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Starfish part. 1
- Strip n°503
This week’s strip feels like watching a little sprout coming from a plant you thought dead. Its roots were deep and despite the long winters and all the ploughing, it’s miraculously alive and kicking.
This little sprout’s name is “Tori no Kaze”, which can be translated by “wind of the chicken” or “the chicken with a cold”. Make of that what you wish.
This new adventure (Book 7, part 2) will pop up on the Blog, every 2 weeks. You’ll get 2 to 4 pages each time (it takes ages to draw), and that should keep all of us busy (mostly me to be fair!) for the next year or so.
I hope you will enjoy this new fantasy saga, which is quite different from our regular blog posts, and yes, I know, I really used way to many parenthesis in my previous sentence (and it’s one of my pet peeves, imagine!).
Let’s get going for Starfish part 1!
Take care!
PS: I’m feeling very emotional today, presenting you with the first 3 pages of the book Tori no Kaze after such a long break.Thanks again to all my patrons who enable me to make these comics happen and to make them available to all of you, for free, each week ♥
This little sprout’s name is “Tori no Kaze”, which can be translated by “wind of the chicken” or “the chicken with a cold”. Make of that what you wish.
This new adventure (Book 7, part 2) will pop up on the Blog, every 2 weeks. You’ll get 2 to 4 pages each time (it takes ages to draw), and that should keep all of us busy (mostly me to be fair!) for the next year or so.
I hope you will enjoy this new fantasy saga, which is quite different from our regular blog posts, and yes, I know, I really used way to many parenthesis in my previous sentence (and it’s one of my pet peeves, imagine!).
Let’s get going for Starfish part 1!
Take care!
PS: I’m feeling very emotional today, presenting you with the first 3 pages of the book Tori no Kaze after such a long break.Thanks again to all my patrons who enable me to make these comics happen and to make them available to all of you, for free, each week ♥

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