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The french-fry
- Strip n°559
Hello everyone!
We came back safely from Toulouse where we received a doubly warm welcome! As an aside, this is a mini-strip of what I imagine every time I witness a funny animal scene (here it was at a fast food on the way to the con, but to tell the truth, I have a billion similar comparisons. Would you like to have more?)
Kisses from a lateral meter away in safety sitting position procedure.
Tomorrow I'll get back to my signings of the Maliki Blogs (I'm at 1000 out of 3028 and have become addicted to the Arte Youtube Channel...)
We came back safely from Toulouse where we received a doubly warm welcome! As an aside, this is a mini-strip of what I imagine every time I witness a funny animal scene (here it was at a fast food on the way to the con, but to tell the truth, I have a billion similar comparisons. Would you like to have more?)
Kisses from a lateral meter away in safety sitting position procedure.
Tomorrow I'll get back to my signings of the Maliki Blogs (I'm at 1000 out of 3028 and have become addicted to the Arte Youtube Channel...)

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