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Ring around the rosie

The theory of evolution
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The theory of evolution
- Strip n°529
Hi peeps !
This week, we’re talking AGAIN about Capucine. And why shouldn’t we?! Don’t worry though, you’ll get some variety next week as we’re finishing a big project. Keep an eye on our social network pages in the coming days. It’s something big, and we really hope that you will enjoy it and that you’ll make some buzz around this event as it’s as big for us as a full Ulule campaign or a book launch.
Meanwhile, take care, all of you. And have a great week while we’re hopping up and down with impatience!
This week, we’re talking AGAIN about Capucine. And why shouldn’t we?! Don’t worry though, you’ll get some variety next week as we’re finishing a big project. Keep an eye on our social network pages in the coming days. It’s something big, and we really hope that you will enjoy it and that you’ll make some buzz around this event as it’s as big for us as a full Ulule campaign or a book launch.
Meanwhile, take care, all of you. And have a great week while we’re hopping up and down with impatience!

Commentaires :
memnarch Le à , a écrit :
MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :
As liked to say my father, regarding gluttonous people: “It’s the dna of the the ancestors starved to death” XD
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