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Ears have eyes
- Strip n°388
Heat does not cool down…
But already, the chestnut trees are being covered with husks, vacationers start to flee from MY Breton beach and I almost don’t receive automatic response when I send professional emails. All this can only mean one thing : the start of the new school year is coming fast, and here you are again, all tanned and dashing looking in front of your screens.
So to start things up back slowly after the summer saga, (you are most welcome to go read it all up if you haven’t already !), here is a little anecdotal strip, but eventually, not so much…
In fact it makes me very curious…
Are some of you among those 3 %
Statistically there must be ! Or is it that all those who read me are immune to zygophobia ?
Lots of kisses and see ya all next week !
But already, the chestnut trees are being covered with husks, vacationers start to flee from MY Breton beach and I almost don’t receive automatic response when I send professional emails. All this can only mean one thing : the start of the new school year is coming fast, and here you are again, all tanned and dashing looking in front of your screens.
So to start things up back slowly after the summer saga, (you are most welcome to go read it all up if you haven’t already !), here is a little anecdotal strip, but eventually, not so much…
In fact it makes me very curious…
Are some of you among those 3 %
Statistically there must be ! Or is it that all those who read me are immune to zygophobia ?
Lots of kisses and see ya all next week !

Commentaires :
bitflipper Le à , a écrit :
I humbly submit that anyone who reads Maliki will laugh at least occasionally, thus disqualifying themselves as members of the zygophobic minority.
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Gok S01E05 Final
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Ears have eyes
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