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Gok S01E04
Gok S01E03
- Strip n°385
Keeping the comic strips going in the middle of August, it’s a bit like wishing upon a star, or believing in Santa Claus, or hoping to get a decent program when turning on the television : it’s all a matter of faith. And it turns out that, though I’m a complete atheist, I’ve got it in spares ! Because even though I’m talking to the great cosmic vastness of the internet in holidays, here it is, as promised, the next instalment in your summer serial : Game of Kermesse.
Do not hesitate to preach its goodness to all your friends, foolishly frying on the beaches, spending all their billions of money into candied peanuts and ice creams instead of tanning in front of their screens, to this amazing show, half-way between the adventure and the ethnological documentary !
See you all next week for the second to last episode : A Clash of Clans.
Lots of kisses, Mali.
Do not hesitate to preach its goodness to all your friends, foolishly frying on the beaches, spending all their billions of money into candied peanuts and ice creams instead of tanning in front of their screens, to this amazing show, half-way between the adventure and the ethnological documentary !
See you all next week for the second to last episode : A Clash of Clans.
Lots of kisses, Mali.

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