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Gok S01E03
Gok S01E02
- Strip n°384
Oh, I know how it goes.
You came home as soon as you could and locked yourself in. Skulking in the shadows, you came up with various excuses to decline your friends’ dusky invitations. You shut down your cellphone and put some pop corn to heat.
With extra butter.
And after finally settling your feverish bottom on your comfy armchair, you;re brimming with excitement, because you know the time has come.
The moment you’re waiting for every week, desperatly trying not to count the days.
Your ray of sunshine. Your weekly joy : the sequel to Game of Kermesse. Episode 2 !
Oh, how I understand !
Don’t be ashamed.
No one’s judging you.
(But let me point out that you’re still a little weird… Anyways...)
Lots of kisses and have a great week everybody !
You came home as soon as you could and locked yourself in. Skulking in the shadows, you came up with various excuses to decline your friends’ dusky invitations. You shut down your cellphone and put some pop corn to heat.
With extra butter.
And after finally settling your feverish bottom on your comfy armchair, you;re brimming with excitement, because you know the time has come.
The moment you’re waiting for every week, desperatly trying not to count the days.
Your ray of sunshine. Your weekly joy : the sequel to Game of Kermesse. Episode 2 !
Oh, how I understand !
Don’t be ashamed.
No one’s judging you.
(But let me point out that you’re still a little weird… Anyways...)
Lots of kisses and have a great week everybody !

Commentaires :
EbonySable Le à , a écrit :
Some small typos:
Second panel: “tractir” should be “tractor”
Painting the chariot scene: “ne need to paint it all” -> “no need to paint it all” and “oups” is normally “oops” in English
I’m enjoying the story a lot!
bitflipper Le à , a écrit :
Of course I’m weird! That’s why I’m such a fan!
memnarch Le à , a écrit :
““How do you know I’m [weird]?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.””
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