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Thailand Breakaway 3 – The King
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Thailand Breakaway 3 – The King
- Strip n°412
Hullo everyone !
Today, we’re back into the report of our trip to Thailand, this time, through the iconic figure of the King. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
This week, I should have started to work seriously on the tome 7.2, but unfortunately, with the workshop to set up and the cardboard boxes to empty, I didn’t get enough time to spend working this week. (so I thought to myself ! What if I made an 8 pages strip instead ! So much more simple ! Bye bye weekend ! ). As 2017 is gonna be packed with projects, between tome 7.2 and the third novel, it is possible that some weeks, instead of the strip, I put a report of how the work is going, along with previews, exclusives and some more research to keep you all updated. I hope you won’t mind ? But I won’t have much choice if I want to keep going and finally release those projects, now that we reached a kind of stability, and the possibility to project into the future, thanks to your support on Tipee and the Ulule campaign.
Moreover, as usual, we’ll let you know all about it, and we will be 100% there !
Oh, and by the way, very cool news, Hello Fucktopia went out last week in Spain, and maybe more similar good news are on their way ! I can’t wait to meet this new public !
And for all the Clermontoise and Clermontois people, with Becky we’ll be at the Clermont Geek Convention ! Be many to come and meet us there !
All the infos are over here :
Have a good week you all !
Today, we’re back into the report of our trip to Thailand, this time, through the iconic figure of the King. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
This week, I should have started to work seriously on the tome 7.2, but unfortunately, with the workshop to set up and the cardboard boxes to empty, I didn’t get enough time to spend working this week. (so I thought to myself ! What if I made an 8 pages strip instead ! So much more simple ! Bye bye weekend ! ). As 2017 is gonna be packed with projects, between tome 7.2 and the third novel, it is possible that some weeks, instead of the strip, I put a report of how the work is going, along with previews, exclusives and some more research to keep you all updated. I hope you won’t mind ? But I won’t have much choice if I want to keep going and finally release those projects, now that we reached a kind of stability, and the possibility to project into the future, thanks to your support on Tipee and the Ulule campaign.
Moreover, as usual, we’ll let you know all about it, and we will be 100% there !
Oh, and by the way, very cool news, Hello Fucktopia went out last week in Spain, and maybe more similar good news are on their way ! I can’t wait to meet this new public !
And for all the Clermontoise and Clermontois people, with Becky we’ll be at the Clermont Geek Convention ! Be many to come and meet us there !
All the infos are over here :
Have a good week you all !

Commentaires :
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
“Hail to the King, Baby.” – Ash; Army of Darkness
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