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Guest : Stan Silas

Brittany Get Away, by Yatuu

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Brittany Get Away, by Yatuu

- Strip n°434

Oh, Brittany, everytime I travel to this region I come back loaded of memories ( my belly! xD) At the time, I was really shocked not to remember anything from the previous night; that was a first. I had to rely on Becky and Maliki to tell me what had transpired. Brice was also feeling under the weather, but he remembered most of the night. Turned out I gave him a bunch of macerated plums and raspberries! I had buckets of fun, but remember: DRINK RESPONSIBLY! (that’s what she said…)

I still think my story is solid. ^^”



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ZPedro Le à , a écrit :

I prefer Mali’s version, though that’s beside the point because I don’t know who localized it, but he made a fine work when the expressions that were originally there would not translate well. Speaking of which, while I can’t promise anything (my editor has final say), I’d be more than happy to cover on Erika and the princes in distress if it were in English.

KMorisato Le à , a écrit :

Well. Maliki. But the whole comic was cute, Yatuu! 🙂

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