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That time of year thou mayst in me behold

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That time of year thou mayst in me behold

- Strip n°440
This week, we become one with Nature itself. And we tilt at windmills, because sometimes we just need to get stuff off our chest!

Peace-loving hugs for everyone and be careful!


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bitflipper Le à , a écrit :

Ouchie, indeed!

Beautiful art in the first several panels and in the final one!

KMorisato Le à , a écrit :

Nice lesson!

Mattomatteo Le à , a écrit :

In Italy is the same: you can’t even take external photograps of private homes, but you can follow and shot at wild animals that are on private lands… and if you break their windows by chance, it’s not your fault!

Richard Le à , a écrit :

John Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley” (a dog) had hunting stories like this. There was a farmer that had their cow shot, even though they had painted “COW” on both sides. The only one that came out ahead was someone who disguised a tree-trunk with branches to make it look like a deer, and then sold the lead he sieved from its remains. Nope, don’t get hunting, me.

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