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Being Smurfed up
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Diff'rent strokes to move the worlds
Being Smurfed up
- Strip n°465
There! This week, I’ll treat my old hard-hat self...
And it’s such a treat to draw smurfs!
If you’re among those who discovered the internet when it was mainly populated with benevolent care-bears, message me on ICQ or email me on my CompuServe address and we’ll chat!
(That is, if I have time left on my 56K bundle.)
Yop !
#overexageration #offbeathumour #youknowyouknow #Idratherspecify
And it’s such a treat to draw smurfs!
If you’re among those who discovered the internet when it was mainly populated with benevolent care-bears, message me on ICQ or email me on my CompuServe address and we’ll chat!
(That is, if I have time left on my 56K bundle.)
Yop !
#overexageration #offbeathumour #youknowyouknow #Idratherspecify

Commentaires :
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
Very nice! But, the ‘internet today’ Smurfette should be wearing a wrist brace.
MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :
Tragically true… ç_ç
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Diff'rent strokes to move the worlds
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