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On a universal scale
Temptation Island
- Strip n°443
Hello people!
This week, we talk about resolutions.
As a comic strips author, I spend most of my time slouching motionless, rooted to my seat and suctioned by my tablet, mesmerised by the screen...
I can thank my brain, and some vaguely vital organs didn’t need to consume a little bit of energy to stay alive, I truly believe that body would go into stasis. I’d be a tiny water bear that just needs a little water to rehydrate.
Anyway, I just meant to say that it’s important to live healthily.
Talking about health, we launched a little operation to support a cause close to our hearts. This illustration is obviously meant to be funny and in line with rest of our storyline. :)
Stay beautiful!
This week, we talk about resolutions.
As a comic strips author, I spend most of my time slouching motionless, rooted to my seat and suctioned by my tablet, mesmerised by the screen...
I can thank my brain, and some vaguely vital organs didn’t need to consume a little bit of energy to stay alive, I truly believe that body would go into stasis. I’d be a tiny water bear that just needs a little water to rehydrate.
Anyway, I just meant to say that it’s important to live healthily.
Talking about health, we launched a little operation to support a cause close to our hearts. This illustration is obviously meant to be funny and in line with rest of our storyline. :)
Stay beautiful!

Commentaires :
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
That Halloween poster is badass! 🙂
bitflipper Le à , a écrit :
That it is! I especially like Fang’s idea of a “broomstick”! 😀
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Beauty and the Beast
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On a universal scale
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