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At World’s End
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One man's trash is another's man treasure
At World’s End
- Strip n°475
Hi peeps!
We're slowly getting back into the thick of things with this little anecdote, before it gets totally out of date...
I'm on the mend. I'm almost done with the 20 bonus pages about Thailand for the Maliki Blog 2, and I'm about to start on the monthly illustration. This is going to be powerful ;)
I'm not quite sure yet if I'll take another break this summer, but I'm being whispered to that you may catch a glimpse of a guest or two, holiday-style... We'll see!
Take care and enjoy your week!
We're slowly getting back into the thick of things with this little anecdote, before it gets totally out of date...
I'm on the mend. I'm almost done with the 20 bonus pages about Thailand for the Maliki Blog 2, and I'm about to start on the monthly illustration. This is going to be powerful ;)
I'm not quite sure yet if I'll take another break this summer, but I'm being whispered to that you may catch a glimpse of a guest or two, holiday-style... We'll see!
Take care and enjoy your week!

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The trivial tutorial
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One man's trash is another's man treasure
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