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Crystal Wisdom
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The big move
Crystal Wisdom
- Strip n°410
Hullo everyone !
We’re just back from Switzerland and already we have to publish the strip !
I’d like to warn you, the following weeks are going to be somewhat chaotics.
After months of planning our moving with clockwork precision, so as to get a smooth transition during the month of February, reality, and some overwhelmed workers, decided that we would only get ONE DAY, next monday, to get out of our house before a new person comes to rent it.
And to makes things a little harder, it also happens to be that next weekend we‘ll be in Tours, to the Japan Tours Festival, to meet you all and sign your albums. So yes, I think we can reasonably say that this week is gonna be very, very difficult… (therefore, we will not be signing on Friday morning and Sunday afternoon at Japan Tours, because we really need to go home and pack our things and move our furniture, sorry -__-)
Many kisses, have a lovely week and may the love energy of the Star Masters be with me !
We’re just back from Switzerland and already we have to publish the strip !
I’d like to warn you, the following weeks are going to be somewhat chaotics.
After months of planning our moving with clockwork precision, so as to get a smooth transition during the month of February, reality, and some overwhelmed workers, decided that we would only get ONE DAY, next monday, to get out of our house before a new person comes to rent it.
And to makes things a little harder, it also happens to be that next weekend we‘ll be in Tours, to the Japan Tours Festival, to meet you all and sign your albums. So yes, I think we can reasonably say that this week is gonna be very, very difficult… (therefore, we will not be signing on Friday morning and Sunday afternoon at Japan Tours, because we really need to go home and pack our things and move our furniture, sorry -__-)
Many kisses, have a lovely week and may the love energy of the Star Masters be with me !

Commentaires :
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
I like her. Schizoid old ladies can be the best of friends.
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Big Sister
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The big move
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