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Early birds
Flight mode
- Strip n°452
Hello everyone!
I'm back! After 2 weeks of semi-rest, between having guests over, meals, and games, I barely even worked! (That's rare enough to be mentioned. I don't think I've held a pencil during my whole time off... Though I did write some of my novel.) Let's just say that when the alarm clock rang at 7am this morning, the reality check was a bit harsh. The 1st day back writing strips also happens to be my birthday and that's a real cold shower. But I do like it, so it's better to get back to business straight away! (By the way, a big Thank You for all your messages! I usually reply to everyone, but today, I didn't get a chance to. So, Thank you everyone! ^^;) Anyway, I wish you all a happy new year 2018, full of good things, peace and serenity. This new year resolution of the "plane mode" is a nice metaphor, and I will endeavour this year to use it a bit more on a day to day basis. I need to take care of my health, physical and mental. I've been plagued with debilitating back pains towards the end of last year, and that helped me realised that you need to take care of yourself even if you're up to your eyeballs with work. My new routine is yoga and stretching every morning when I wake up. Going back to the "plane mode", I also want to be more remote from the media, Internet and all the social networks as it feels like they're becoming toxic (to me anyway). I've noted that when I am offline, most of the time it's really relaxing and at the end of the day, I wasn't missing much. However don't be scared, I'll still be on social networks, I'm not going to disappear ;)
Take care and see you next week!
I'm back! After 2 weeks of semi-rest, between having guests over, meals, and games, I barely even worked! (That's rare enough to be mentioned. I don't think I've held a pencil during my whole time off... Though I did write some of my novel.) Let's just say that when the alarm clock rang at 7am this morning, the reality check was a bit harsh. The 1st day back writing strips also happens to be my birthday and that's a real cold shower. But I do like it, so it's better to get back to business straight away! (By the way, a big Thank You for all your messages! I usually reply to everyone, but today, I didn't get a chance to. So, Thank you everyone! ^^;) Anyway, I wish you all a happy new year 2018, full of good things, peace and serenity. This new year resolution of the "plane mode" is a nice metaphor, and I will endeavour this year to use it a bit more on a day to day basis. I need to take care of my health, physical and mental. I've been plagued with debilitating back pains towards the end of last year, and that helped me realised that you need to take care of yourself even if you're up to your eyeballs with work. My new routine is yoga and stretching every morning when I wake up. Going back to the "plane mode", I also want to be more remote from the media, Internet and all the social networks as it feels like they're becoming toxic (to me anyway). I've noted that when I am offline, most of the time it's really relaxing and at the end of the day, I wasn't missing much. However don't be scared, I'll still be on social networks, I'm not going to disappear ;)
Take care and see you next week!

Commentaires :
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
Happy New Year!! May you be happy! May you be blessed!
bitflipper Le à , a écrit :
Happy Birthday, and Many Happy Returns!
ZPedro Le à , a écrit :
In the small print, they request us to set our device to boat mode. Care to represent that?
Mattomatteo Le à , a écrit :
Very funny, congratulation. 😉
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Leap of Faith
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Early birds
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