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Gok S01E05 Final
- Strip n°387
Here we are !
Today I finally give birth to the last episode of Game of Kermesse !
I have to admit that when I gave myself this little summer challenge, I never imagined it would require so much energy…But I am really glad I held on till the end. It’s true that in August, you don’t get much feedback on the strips, and it can be a little disheartening. But naively, I have the feeling that in the current context of fear and distrust, it was good to show that there still exist simple and welcoming places, where living together still makes a lot of sense.
I hope you enjoyed this little saga and that the village of Këmalo and all its inhabitants managed to win you over. And as usual, do not hesitate to share and show this little project to the other vacationers who might have missed it.
I will never say it enough, but we are really dependent on social medias to broadcast us, and every little help you can give matters :)
And with all that, the month of August nears its end… Next week, we will get back to less ambitious strips (but I hope as fun !) so that I can move on with other ongoing projects, who are already gathering as a menacing tidal wave over my head… Ima go get my surfboard, and Ima charge and ride it !
Have a great week boys and girls !
Many kisses
If you all behave, Becky will post some pictures of the school fair during the week.
And if you want to watch the old episodes again, follow along :
Today I finally give birth to the last episode of Game of Kermesse !
I have to admit that when I gave myself this little summer challenge, I never imagined it would require so much energy…But I am really glad I held on till the end. It’s true that in August, you don’t get much feedback on the strips, and it can be a little disheartening. But naively, I have the feeling that in the current context of fear and distrust, it was good to show that there still exist simple and welcoming places, where living together still makes a lot of sense.
I hope you enjoyed this little saga and that the village of Këmalo and all its inhabitants managed to win you over. And as usual, do not hesitate to share and show this little project to the other vacationers who might have missed it.
I will never say it enough, but we are really dependent on social medias to broadcast us, and every little help you can give matters :)
And with all that, the month of August nears its end… Next week, we will get back to less ambitious strips (but I hope as fun !) so that I can move on with other ongoing projects, who are already gathering as a menacing tidal wave over my head… Ima go get my surfboard, and Ima charge and ride it !
Have a great week boys and girls !
Many kisses
If you all behave, Becky will post some pictures of the school fair during the week.
And if you want to watch the old episodes again, follow along :
Commentaires :
IonDragonX Le à , a écrit :
Great job with the Game of Kermesse!
So sorry the comments are few.
I’m really enjoying your new stories! I missed you so much last year!
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