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Hiroshima mon amour
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Hiroshima mon amour
- Strip n°514
Hi everyone,
This week, a short interlude in the midst of Tori no Kaze to spend some time with Becky and I in Hiroshima.
Remember that at the time, Doang had gently sent us away through the expedient of an all inclusive tour of Japan (well, mostly of the main island of Honshu, but I can’t complain really!).
And this is the result of the stream i've just finished ! You can have it on Tipeee up to fridey midnight.

Have a great week!
Take care!
This week, a short interlude in the midst of Tori no Kaze to spend some time with Becky and I in Hiroshima.
Remember that at the time, Doang had gently sent us away through the expedient of an all inclusive tour of Japan (well, mostly of the main island of Honshu, but I can’t complain really!).
And this is the result of the stream i've just finished ! You can have it on Tipeee up to fridey midnight.

Have a great week!
Take care!

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