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From Head to Moon

Initialisation 2/2

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Super Pavlo Bros

Initialisation 2/2

- Strip n°501
Hello everyone!

There we are! This is the last part of book 7.1; the part previously unpublished on the web with the cliffhanger from hell that has been going on for almost 4 years… Let me tell you this cliffhanger frustrated me at least as much as you, since I couldn’t make time to draw what was coming next. In two weeks’ time, I’ll finally start publishing the first few pages of book 7.2, Tori no Kaze. This gives me such a rush!  

And to make things even more special, Nat and Ankou will be in the spotlight in the Tipeee's monthly illustration. Some healthy sisterly competition going on there.

In the meantime, enjoy the unbearable suspense one last time. Have a great week!

Take care,

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MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :

So… Fang too has a “stand/spirit/guardian-angel”?

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