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Super Crawers

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Super Crawers

- Strip n°457
Hello sweeties!

I'm all rejuvenated since last week! I've finally managed to have a REAL weekend to loaf around, play Dragon Ball FighterZ and Shadow of the Colossus on PS4, walked by the seaside, in the forest, did some gardening and had a nap.
I hope you enjoy this week's strip. Don't be shy and share your super crawers! We won't judge! (And we'll feel slightly less lonely...)
So, there won't be any strip next week, because I'll be spending the rest of the week on a Book 3 marathon. I really want to get a big chuck done. I often work on it randomly, a day here and there, and it's complicated to get back into it, and it's a huge time waster to get my mind back where it should be. I think I really need 2 full weeks of writing to finish the book, so I'm really going to go out of my way to wrap up this big project. Well wrap up... Then there will be the front cover, the illustrations, and maybe even a trailer if I can squeeze it in, but that will be easier to do in multiple sessions.
Have a great week and see you very soon!

Take care

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MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :

I can roll my tongue! =^_^=

Alex Denton Le à , a écrit :

Haaaa I have one : I can partially dislocate my left shoulder ! Everyone I showed it to though it was disgusting

Wait a minute, I showed it to every girl I liked, is that why I was always single growing up? Man …

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