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To strike a pokechord
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Clingy cat
To strike a pokechord
- Strip n°393
(This week, I apologize to the people who never played or heard about Pokemon Go or Pokemon in general !)
It was this summer in île de Ré. The sun was shining. Scrunchies sellers were robbing tourists on the petit port, me included, and I was feeling relaxed and light hearted, thinking that I was about to discover a cool little comic festival with Stan Silas, that author whose works teem with joy for life. But during a pokemon hunt…
Well, maybe that’s just me being too sensible mind you… When I threw my old sandals away, destroyed by many years of good and faithful services, I felt guilty all day long, imagining them all alone and left behind in the trash.
ANYWAY, the launch of the Ulule pre-orders for Maliki BLOG started at top speed, thanks to you ! In a week we clearly went above the goal of a 1000 pre-ordered albums and have now financed 346% of the project !
Consequently, every one that pre-ordered will receive, along with their album, a Skulule Kid postcard, a Feanor/Luma bookmark, 2 pages of stickers and a Maliki cellulo print !
We still have some more crazy surprises to add if we can make it to the higher steps. Do not hesitate to share the video and the Ulule link, and to speak about it around you, for I met with many diligent readers during the book fair who hadn’t heard about the project (mainly because Facebook only shares the news with just a tiny fraction of the page’s subscribers...). It’s a bit of a shame to have to spam like that, but the campaign is short and in 15 days, it will be too late for all those who would have liked to get the books and its bonuses.
With all that, have a good week boys and girls ! Kisses !
It was this summer in île de Ré. The sun was shining. Scrunchies sellers were robbing tourists on the petit port, me included, and I was feeling relaxed and light hearted, thinking that I was about to discover a cool little comic festival with Stan Silas, that author whose works teem with joy for life. But during a pokemon hunt…
Well, maybe that’s just me being too sensible mind you… When I threw my old sandals away, destroyed by many years of good and faithful services, I felt guilty all day long, imagining them all alone and left behind in the trash.
ANYWAY, the launch of the Ulule pre-orders for Maliki BLOG started at top speed, thanks to you ! In a week we clearly went above the goal of a 1000 pre-ordered albums and have now financed 346% of the project !
Consequently, every one that pre-ordered will receive, along with their album, a Skulule Kid postcard, a Feanor/Luma bookmark, 2 pages of stickers and a Maliki cellulo print !
We still have some more crazy surprises to add if we can make it to the higher steps. Do not hesitate to share the video and the Ulule link, and to speak about it around you, for I met with many diligent readers during the book fair who hadn’t heard about the project (mainly because Facebook only shares the news with just a tiny fraction of the page’s subscribers...). It’s a bit of a shame to have to spam like that, but the campaign is short and in 15 days, it will be too late for all those who would have liked to get the books and its bonuses.
With all that, have a good week boys and girls ! Kisses !

Commentaires :
Erik Le à , a écrit :
Oh, come on, now you’re just cruel!
You’re making me feel sad, AND guilty for wanting to not feel sad .
And I don’t even care about Pokemon.
ZPedro Le à , a écrit :
Don’t apologize. Either for referencing Pokémon Go or for your sensitivity, because any metaphor is good to cover these matters, especially in our current times…
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Burst of lavender
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Clingy cat
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