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Under the trees at Maliki’s

- Strip n°569
"When Maliki asked me to draw for her blog, I couldn’t refuse. First of all, because Tiko (literally) devoured my children’s books, but also, because I could get all my characters together for Christmas. Before they met the local cats…

“Under the trees at Maliki’s” is the cross-over I would have never thought about.

Thanks for the gift my dear Maliki, and a happy Christmas to all!"



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> Sous les arbres <

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Vento Le à , a écrit :

I can understand dormices and badgers, but foxes? What kind of hellcats do you have to go hunting foxes?

Erik Le à , a écrit :

Vento, badgers are actually much more ferocious and dangerous than foxes. I have a really hard time thinking of a couple of cats surviving a fight with them, let alone killing one.

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