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The Character of Blogs

Nothing is lost, everything is digested

- Strip n°418
Well, let’s cut to the chase, this Monday wasn’t the best day of my life. Those who know my political views will understand that I woke up this morning with a severe case of electoral hangover and my optimism buried somewhere deep within my socks.
Faced with a blatant lack of motivation, the urge to rent a shuttle onward to Proxima Centauri, and tempted to renew my subscription to Dark Age of Camelot for 5 years, I asked myself if I was gonna publish a black page to underscore my disappointment (and the subsequent laziness), or finish the strip I had already started for today. The moment didn’t seem fit for laughter, even though the situation seems perfectly normal to the medias and to a lot of people, yet, we are of the same species.
And I thought to myself, we’re gonna need to laugh a little for these next five years, so the best we can do is keep smiling, having fun and running naked under the bombs, on and on until we get to the bottom of Hell.

So I finished the strip. Very much light hearted and out of context. And if it allows you to escape, even for a few seconds, into a less frightening world, then I’ll willfully sign up to carry on five more years. A five year term during which our quest for happy days and taste for joy shall know no rest.

Kisses to you people 😉

Mali ❤

P.S : And ‘cause we never change, I still had to produce a little something while it was still hot, to get rid of it all a little. Otherwise, what use is a blog if you can’t do nothing with it !?

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Chickens!

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