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There once was a shepherdess
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There once was a shepherdess
- Strip n°482
Note from the translators: “There once was a shepherdess” is a popular French song from the 17th century, which originated in a ribald song from the 16th century. While translating it, we discovered the meaning of one word which is repeated throughout the rhyme and which, once translated makes the song ever more lewd. Definitely NSFW peeps.
It is a pastoral tradition that we will never forget, but despite the huge bucolic stretches, a burnout may lay in wait under each blade of glass. Shepherd, shepherdess, before you go somewhere you can't get back from, get some help!
This was a message from the Agnostics Society for the Protection of Shepherd Kittens.
Enjoy your week everyone!
PS: You can now preorder "Lady Cristalisation"'s canvas print!
The first orders will get the first numbers (numbered prints)
Online store:
You can also pickyour order up during the Lyon Game show:
We will also be packing the Ulule's goodies, and we aim to be ready at some point in October.
It is a pastoral tradition that we will never forget, but despite the huge bucolic stretches, a burnout may lay in wait under each blade of glass. Shepherd, shepherdess, before you go somewhere you can't get back from, get some help!
This was a message from the Agnostics Society for the Protection of Shepherd Kittens.
Enjoy your week everyone!
PS: You can now preorder "Lady Cristalisation"'s canvas print!
The first orders will get the first numbers (numbered prints)
Online store:
You can also pickyour order up during the Lyon Game show:
We will also be packing the Ulule's goodies, and we aim to be ready at some point in October.
Commentaires :
The Variable Le à , a écrit :
Ooh, that last panel! :3
MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :
I think you two will make wonderful mothers! =^w^=
Adele Le à , a écrit :
What’s so lewd about purring? It’s just what cats do!
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Running out of time
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