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As gentle as a lamb
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2019 here we come!
As gentle as a lamb
- Strip n°493
Hello everyone!
After all the emotions of last week, today we’ll relax with a pastoral anecdote and a little update about our mini-farm.
This will be the last strip of the year as our family and friends are about to arrive for the yearly Christmas and New Year Eve shenanigans. Time to cook, make the beds, change the sheets, drink and eat! Besides, I know that during the holidays, you all have a tendency to leave the internet aside… Which is great! Let’s leave our screens behind and clear our heads with real people!
I’ll drop by to show you the monthly illustration when it’s finished (hopefully before Christmas), and I’ll see you next year to kick start the new year with a little editorial surprise!
Happy holidays to all!
Take care!
After all the emotions of last week, today we’ll relax with a pastoral anecdote and a little update about our mini-farm.
This will be the last strip of the year as our family and friends are about to arrive for the yearly Christmas and New Year Eve shenanigans. Time to cook, make the beds, change the sheets, drink and eat! Besides, I know that during the holidays, you all have a tendency to leave the internet aside… Which is great! Let’s leave our screens behind and clear our heads with real people!
I’ll drop by to show you the monthly illustration when it’s finished (hopefully before Christmas), and I’ll see you next year to kick start the new year with a little editorial surprise!
Happy holidays to all!
Take care!

Commentaires :
Lark Le à , a écrit :
Badass Sheeps.
MattoMatteo Le à , a écrit :
Watch “Zootopia”… you’ll be surprised how “innocent” sheeps are! XD
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2019 here we come!
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