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Being Smurfed up

Diff’rent strokes to move the worlds

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Diff’rent strokes to move the worlds

- Strip n°466
Hi kids!
This week we explore the metaphysical conundrums of parallel universes and their unavoidable absurdities. Yeap!

Not that you would see it, but the last few months have been a mad dash in the back office of the Maliki Corp. We're working like crazy on something huge, and it's super frustrating not to reveal anything to you yet so you don't get spoiled. That being said, we should be able to show you all that real soon! ... If we we don't die before that though +_@
Meanwhile, arm yourself with patience, strength and sturdiness!
Take care!

Note from the translators: In another universe, the producers of Fort Boyard came up with a less lousy name than Monique.

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KMorisato Le à , a écrit :

It’s so good to see the mother/daughter relationship even though they aren’t related. This is really cool.

The Variable Le à , a écrit :

It’s nice to see Fang getting in on the hilarity! She’s usually stuck playing the straight man to Mali and Becky’s antics. 🙂

memnarch Le à , a écrit :


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