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Love Letter
- Strip n°425
When I was a kid, thanks to the magic of VPC import and to a shared treasure, we sometimes managed to get our hands on Japanese games with my friends on the super Nintendo. We would play them like there was no tomorrow, every Wednesday afternoon and week ends. Sometimes even in the evenings after school… Very quickly, we were shouting and squeaking the attacks’ names and special moves that were poorly digitalised and incomprehensible to our little french ears, as best as we could ! Therefore, in dragon ball, my favorite moves were “Can my hand eat ham !” and “Special Bean Wagon !”. I believe it stems from the fact that I often forgot to eat when the game got me carried away...
Come on, say it, you also have those forgotten secrets somewhere in your memories !
Give them up !
And for those of you that own the game, don’t hesitate to add me to your list via the friend code down below !
Well… that is if you dare to face me >:D
Come on, say it, you also have those forgotten secrets somewhere in your memories !
Give them up !
And for those of you that own the game, don’t hesitate to add me to your list via the friend code down below !
Well… that is if you dare to face me >:D

Commentaires :
Kamino Neko Le à , a écrit :
Fang is best troll.
EbonySable Le à , a écrit :
The friend code isn’t “below” but it is on the French page. You can see it at
(And let me see if I can insert the image)
Becky Le à , a écrit :
Sorry, it’s corrected now
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