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Indescribably Delicious
- Strip n°460
Hi peeps!
The Japan Tours is over. Once again, it's been a great event, with amazing meetings, great welcome and reunions, and the opportunity to assist Ms. Akemi Takada during her Master Class. It's been amazing to watch her draw, breathing over her shoulder. I think I might have picked up a couple of tips for watercolour :D
And because I'm in love with pain; here is the weekly strip produced in one day, on a couple of hours sleep and with a messed up back due to the booth packing.
Take care!
The Japan Tours is over. Once again, it's been a great event, with amazing meetings, great welcome and reunions, and the opportunity to assist Ms. Akemi Takada during her Master Class. It's been amazing to watch her draw, breathing over her shoulder. I think I might have picked up a couple of tips for watercolour :D
And because I'm in love with pain; here is the weekly strip produced in one day, on a couple of hours sleep and with a messed up back due to the booth packing.
Take care!

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Indescribably Delicious
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