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Pulp friction
Sensory Combo
- Strip n°436
This week’s menu : Proust’s Madeleines and memories from the 80s !
And because I’m right in the middle of this month’s Tippee's illustration, here is a preview of it. I won’t lie it’s proving to be quite the tricky one. But this game holds so many dear memories !
The timelapse for this illustration can still be unlocked until this Thursday on Tipee °_° (that is, if you’re sadistic enough to give me more work !)

And for those who remember, I made this back in the days. In another life, when I was happy working at GOA :
So many memories
Kisses y’all and see you soon !
And because I’m right in the middle of this month’s Tippee's illustration, here is a preview of it. I won’t lie it’s proving to be quite the tricky one. But this game holds so many dear memories !
The timelapse for this illustration can still be unlocked until this Thursday on Tipee °_° (that is, if you’re sadistic enough to give me more work !)

And for those who remember, I made this back in the days. In another life, when I was happy working at GOA :
So many memories

Kisses y’all and see you soon !

Commentaires :
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
Awesome! I love the bit mapped art!
KidsHeart Le à , a écrit :
The smell of fall air… I frantically searched to buy a PSP again to play Socom US Navy Seals and Shutokou Battle – Zone of Control.. Amazing how smells do this..
bitflipper Le à , a écrit :
“He has given us a sign! He has given us… His Shoe!!”
bitflipper Le à , a écrit :
(…perhaps I had best clarify that the above memory was not in fact inspired by any aroma. ;-p )
memnarch Le à , a écrit :
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