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The noose around your neck

Leap of Faith

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Flight mode

Leap of Faith

- Strip n°451
Hi everyone,

This week, I’m jumping with no safety nets… Because I know there will always be a special someone to catch me.
Many kisses and enjoy this precious friends and family time.

PS. There will be no strip before the new year, but this month’s Tipee illustration will be here very soon!

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hocus Le à , a écrit :

D’aaaawwwww Congratulations and happy holidays/new year!

ZPedro Le à , a écrit :

Fang speaks for all of us (… well, so to speak*).

You join a noble tradition indeed! I know David Willis actually proposed through his strip (complete with red herring to fool his significant other). Angela “Jam” Melick represented the event (including a more complete version in her second book, “Welcome to the Real World”). Yuko Ota and Ananth Hirsh made it very understated. Ian McConville (who draws ThreePanelSoul, which had a link to Maliki before their latest site redesign) cheated and used his other skill to propose with a video game… followed by this hilarious bit (context).

And in non-autobio, PvP made it a very protracted affair between Brent Sienna and Jade Fontaine (won’t link to the whole thing), with a first double-date where “see agreed to say yes at a later date”, then whole shenanigans in a convention where they were all cosplaying Star Wars characters… Ctrl-Alt-Del had Ethan prepare his proposal over the course of days by having it written down in the name part of the high scores of an arcade game… three characters at a time. Lastly, Moon over June [NSFW, not even linking to it] had Summer discover Hatsuki’s gift in bed… I won’t spoil exactly how.

(Whew, that was quite a research task)

*aha, “spea”…**

**Ack can’t stop attempting jokes!

…and of course I screwed up half the links; fixed versions:

“Yuko Ota and Ananth Hirsh made it very understated

“followed by this hilarious bit

“And in non-autobio, PvP made it a very protracted affair”

Kamino Neko Le à , a écrit :

Congratulations, you two!

ebonysable Le à , a écrit :

Eeee! Congratulations!

Curros Le à , a écrit :

Congratulations !
And is it just a impression or Fang have gotten a bit taller? it seemed to me that she was slightly smaller compared to Maliki. She is still in her growth period, after all.
or maybe i’m just getting ideas?
Anyway, happy hollidays and lot of hapiness to you two.

bitflipper Le à , a écrit :

May you know many happy years, together, and may you forge many wonderful memories to treasure!

(…even if they do prompt Becky to materialize a mallet out of hammer-space!)

ZPedro Le à , a écrit :


– Mike “Gabe” Krahulik, artist of Penny Arcade, proposed with… a comic-shaped thing, shall we say.

– Girls with Slingshots had not one, but two proposals!

– And when, in Krakow, Case tried to propose to Kia, it did not go down exactly as planned

Mar’Dur Taren Le à , a écrit :

Achievement Unlocked : Eternal Happiness.

Mattomatteo Le à , a écrit :

Wonderful news!
Blessings for both of you!

LuLu Le à , a écrit :

so cute!
this is really wonderful, congratulations!

memnarch Le à , a écrit :

🙂 🙂 🙂

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