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From Head to Moon
Initialisation 1/2
- Strip n°499
Hello everyone!
This week is the penultimate publication of the previously unpublished pages of Hanami. Coming next will be the long-awaited beginning of Part 2. If you're not sure how things work, please check this note to get all the details.
Meanwhile, the Maliki Corp is making good progress on the preproduction of the animated credits song with DoodleRush.
We absolutely cannot wait to see the end-product, but we have to be patient as it's a huge undertaking. We're hoping to move into production towards the end of April, and to be ready for a launch in September. Yep, animation takes a loooong time (especially when you don't have the Disney team behind you), but we'll spend as much time as we need to do something really amazing!
Have a great week everyone!
This week is the penultimate publication of the previously unpublished pages of Hanami. Coming next will be the long-awaited beginning of Part 2. If you're not sure how things work, please check this note to get all the details.
Meanwhile, the Maliki Corp is making good progress on the preproduction of the animated credits song with DoodleRush.
We absolutely cannot wait to see the end-product, but we have to be patient as it's a huge undertaking. We're hoping to move into production towards the end of April, and to be ready for a launch in September. Yep, animation takes a loooong time (especially when you don't have the Disney team behind you), but we'll spend as much time as we need to do something really amazing!
Have a great week everyone!

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Life always finds a way
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From Head to Moon
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