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Heed the birds
Noise pollution
- Strip n°468
This week, I'm trying to transmute some of my grief into a funny anecdote. I must say, that's far from easy... A great Man formulated this way better than me*
“Even though it is true that humour [...] may sometimes deconsecrate stupidity, exorcise genuine grief and castigate mortal dread, then yes, one can laugh about everything and we should laugh about everything. About war, poverty and death. Furthermore, does death mind laughing at us?”
- Pierre Desproges
* Even though he must be quite fed up to alway be quoted for whatever reason... Sorry Pierrot.
Chin up! We have an Ulule campaign to run, a life to have and plenty of other animals to help.
Take care everyone.

“Even though it is true that humour [...] may sometimes deconsecrate stupidity, exorcise genuine grief and castigate mortal dread, then yes, one can laugh about everything and we should laugh about everything. About war, poverty and death. Furthermore, does death mind laughing at us?”
- Pierre Desproges
* Even though he must be quite fed up to alway be quoted for whatever reason... Sorry Pierrot.
Chin up! We have an Ulule campaign to run, a life to have and plenty of other animals to help.
Take care everyone.

Commentaires :
KMorisato Le à , a écrit :
Bravo. You are, by far, the most human comic creator that I know. I, too, have lost pets by assisting them. I still miss them. They were my family.
ebonysable Le à , a écrit :
I honestly don’t know what to say, but I want you to know that there are many people around the world that you have never met, that you probably will never meet, but they care for you, for your cats, for your friends.
Farewell, Gueulard.
memnarch Le à , a écrit :
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Heed the birds
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